ISoLEC 2018 Proceedings

International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) 2018
Theme: Fostering 21st Century Skills in Language, Education, and Culture

Hosted by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang.
September 1-2, 2018
AULA AVA, Faculty of Letters UM, E6 Building, 2nd Floor

  1. Rini Listyowati
    The Impact of Social Media (Facebook) on Vocabulary Learning
  2. Valentina Widya Suryaningtyas, Raden Arief Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono, Mangatur Rudolf Nababan, and Riyadi Santosa
    Appraisal in Bilingual Tourism Information Media: Developing an SFL-based Translation Model
  3. Nana Raihana Askurny and Ahada Wahyusari
    Political Campaign Language on the Outdoor Media as a Register
  4. Leadya Raturahmi, Iis Zulfah Adnan, & Ikeu Kania
    Mass Media Literacy and Rural Society
  5. Renata Kenanga Rinda
    Types and Roles of Code-Switching in EFL Classroom
  6. Amalia Risqi Puspotaningtyas, and Vidya Pratiwi
    Teaching Children with Autism by Implementing Floor Time Method at Elementary Schools in Situbondo
  7. Nasuha
    Exploring EFL Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs about TEFL through Teaching Practicum
  8. Shee Yuen Ling
    Leading Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Schools via Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
  9. Atika Santi Rosana, Suharno, and Triyanto
    Atika Santi Rosana, Suharno, and Triyanto Parents Participation in Education Management through Social Media in 21st Century
  10. Oktari Firda Hibatullah and Zahra Eka Sari
    Developing Lectora as an Innovative Learning Medium for Pre-service Teachers Training in Classroom Setting
  11. Hermia Anata Rahman, Asrowi, Muhammad Akhyar, and Haidar Fikri
    Innovation in Teaching Language: The Development of Learning Media based on Sparkol Videoscribe on the Material of English-Language for Early Childhood
  12. Tri Mulyati, Efina Ekawati, and Fri Dianawati
    Teachers’ Reflection on the Instructional Technology Implementation
  13. Citra Nur Faidah
    Teaching Materials for Children Literature by Using a Process Approach
  14. Mahsyurotun Nikmah and Kurnia Asri Prasetyorini
    Suggestopedia as the EFL Teaching Method and Its Challenges: Case Study in Citra Berkat School
  15. Riyatno
    Improving English Mastery Using Al Muraja’ah Method in Non-English Department
  16. Nodistya Septian Indrastana
    Written Corrective Feedback Practice of an Exemplary EFL Writing Teaching in State University of Malang
  17. Intan Fatmawati, Puput Astya Agustina, Ria Sukesti, Dwi Husnul Khotimah, Iqbal Astarikna Denanti, and Jeffry Handika
    Literacy Reading “Setrada” to Overcome Illiteracy
  18. Putri Haryanti, Hari Kusmanto, Tety Bekti Sulistyorini, and Laili Etika Rahmawati
    Students’ Perception toward Bojo Galak Song
  19. Irayatul Munawaroh
    Woman Alienation in Perempuan Terpasung Novel by Hani Naqshabandi and Tarian Bumi Novel by Oka Rusmini (Comparative Literary Study)
  20. Indri Setyoningrum, Husnul Koyimah, Riki Kurniawan, and Miftakhul Huda
    Panji Story: Dynamics of Ethics in Educational Paradigms
  21. Shovie Maryam, Nurul Murtadho, Ali Ma’sum
    إعداد معجم صحفي “عربي – إندونيسي و إندونيسي – عربي” على أساس كتاب لغة الجرائد: التهاني و التعازي و شتى الإعلانات بقلم أ.د. نور المرتضى
  22. Mohammad Ahsanuddin
    المدونة اللغوية المتوازية: مفهومها ومواصفتها وتصميمها
  23. إعداد | عمر منصور | محمد عين
    لمحة عن الثقاقة العربية في القرآن الكريم
  24. Hanik Mahliatussikah
    التبحر في وصف الجنة والنار في القرآن الكريم
  25. Ika Febriani
    Political Discourse of Bangkalan Regent before Local Election 2018 on Billboards around the National Bridge of Suramadu
  26. Rini Afrilesa J.
    Illocutionary Speech Act in the Indonesia Lawyers Club Jokowi-Prabowo Reply Rhymes Episode
  27. I Gede Neil Prajamukti Wardhana
    Constructivism Learning STAD Type to Improve the Student Writing Skill in the 7th Grade SMPK 2 Harapan
  28. Amalia Juniningsih and Wevi Lutfitasari
    Character Education and Consequences of Teaching Indonesian at School
  29. Mayuasti and Surya Prahara
    The Protection and Preservation of Minangkabau Traditional Knowledge in Muatan Lokal Curriculum of West Sumatra
  30. Surya Prahara and Aziwarti
    Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Knowledge Provision on the Walls of Minangkabau’s Rumah Gadang Carving
  31. Hoang Thi Hue, Nguyen Hoang Nguyen