International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) 2018
Theme: Fostering 21st Century Skills in Language, Education, and Culture
Hosted by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang.
September 1-2, 2018
AULA AVA, Faculty of Letters UM, E6 Building, 2nd Floor
- Rini Listyowati
The Impact of Social Media (Facebook) on Vocabulary Learning - Valentina Widya Suryaningtyas, Raden Arief Nugroho, Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono, Mangatur Rudolf Nababan, and Riyadi Santosa
Appraisal in Bilingual Tourism Information Media: Developing an SFL-based Translation Model - Nana Raihana Askurny and Ahada Wahyusari
Political Campaign Language on the Outdoor Media as a Register - Leadya Raturahmi, Iis Zulfah Adnan, & Ikeu Kania
Mass Media Literacy and Rural Society - Renata Kenanga Rinda
Types and Roles of Code-Switching in EFL Classroom - Amalia Risqi Puspotaningtyas, and Vidya Pratiwi
Teaching Children with Autism by Implementing Floor Time Method at Elementary Schools in Situbondo - Nasuha
Exploring EFL Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs about TEFL through Teaching Practicum - Shee Yuen Ling
Leading Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Schools via Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) - Atika Santi Rosana, Suharno, and Triyanto
Atika Santi Rosana, Suharno, and Triyanto Parents Participation in Education Management through Social Media in 21st Century - Oktari Firda Hibatullah and Zahra Eka Sari
Developing Lectora as an Innovative Learning Medium for Pre-service Teachers Training in Classroom Setting - Hermia Anata Rahman, Asrowi, Muhammad Akhyar, and Haidar Fikri
Innovation in Teaching Language: The Development of Learning Media based on Sparkol Videoscribe on the Material of English-Language for Early Childhood - Tri Mulyati, Efina Ekawati, and Fri Dianawati
Teachers’ Reflection on the Instructional Technology Implementation - Citra Nur Faidah
Teaching Materials for Children Literature by Using a Process Approach - Mahsyurotun Nikmah and Kurnia Asri Prasetyorini
Suggestopedia as the EFL Teaching Method and Its Challenges: Case Study in Citra Berkat School - Riyatno
Improving English Mastery Using Al Muraja’ah Method in Non-English Department - Nodistya Septian Indrastana
Written Corrective Feedback Practice of an Exemplary EFL Writing Teaching in State University of Malang - Intan Fatmawati, Puput Astya Agustina, Ria Sukesti, Dwi Husnul Khotimah, Iqbal Astarikna Denanti, and Jeffry Handika
Literacy Reading “Setrada” to Overcome Illiteracy - Putri Haryanti, Hari Kusmanto, Tety Bekti Sulistyorini, and Laili Etika Rahmawati
Students’ Perception toward Bojo Galak Song - Irayatul Munawaroh
Woman Alienation in Perempuan Terpasung Novel by Hani Naqshabandi and Tarian Bumi Novel by Oka Rusmini (Comparative Literary Study) - Indri Setyoningrum, Husnul Koyimah, Riki Kurniawan, and Miftakhul Huda
Panji Story: Dynamics of Ethics in Educational Paradigms - Shovie Maryam, Nurul Murtadho, Ali Ma’sum
إعداد معجم صحفي “عربي – إندونيسي و إندونيسي – عربي” على أساس كتاب لغة الجرائد: التهاني و التعازي و شتى الإعلانات بقلم أ.د. نور المرتضى - Mohammad Ahsanuddin
المدونة اللغوية المتوازية: مفهومها ومواصفتها وتصميمها - إعداد | عمر منصور | محمد عين
لمحة عن الثقاقة العربية في القرآن الكريم - Hanik Mahliatussikah
التبحر في وصف الجنة والنار في القرآن الكريم - Ika Febriani
Political Discourse of Bangkalan Regent before Local Election 2018 on Billboards around the National Bridge of Suramadu - Rini Afrilesa J.
Illocutionary Speech Act in the Indonesia Lawyers Club Jokowi-Prabowo Reply Rhymes Episode - I Gede Neil Prajamukti Wardhana
Constructivism Learning STAD Type to Improve the Student Writing Skill in the 7th Grade SMPK 2 Harapan - Amalia Juniningsih and Wevi Lutfitasari
Character Education and Consequences of Teaching Indonesian at School - Mayuasti and Surya Prahara
The Protection and Preservation of Minangkabau Traditional Knowledge in Muatan Lokal Curriculum of West Sumatra - Surya Prahara and Aziwarti
Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Knowledge Provision on the Walls of Minangkabau’s Rumah Gadang Carving - Hoang Thi Hue, Nguyen Hoang Nguyen