• Hidayah Budi Qur’ani
  • Candra Rahma Wijaya Putra
Keywords: bullying, School Environment, Resistance, Women


A school environment is a place for students to grow and develop in studying. However, in reality, many schools are not safe for students because of cases of bullying or bullying. Depictions of bullying are also found in popular Indonesian novels. Popular Indonesian novels that tell about bullying that occur to women in the school environment include Eko Ivano Winata's Senior, Eka Aryani's Gulf of Alaska, and Winiliya's Marriage in High School. In addition to telling stories about bullying at school, the three popular novels tell about the main female characters who are bullied and fight against the injustices they experience. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. The data sources in this study are three popular novels published by Coconut books publisher entitled Senior by Eko Ivano Winata (2018), Teluk Alaska by Eka Aryani (2019), and Nikah Saat SMA by Winiliya (2020). The selection of the three data sources is based on the number of 44 million times for the novel Nikah Saat SMA by Winiliya, 18.5 million times for the novel Senior by Eko Ivano Winata, and 30 million times for the novel Teluk Alaska by Eka Aryani. The results of this study are that there are two forms of bullying in the three novels, namely physical bullying in the form of cuts, grabbed, punished, and pushed and verbal bullying in the form of swearing and threats. Then, the form of resistance of the female characters in the three novels is open resistance in the form of replying to words, protests, and challenges and closed resistance in the form of silence and smiles.


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