Madura is one of the islands in Indonesia. The island, which is inhabited by the Madurese tribe, has a lot of various local wisdoms. Starting from culture, traditions, history, to the social life of the people with various stereotypes attached to the Madurese tribe. Several ways have been done to build a positive image of the Madurese tribe, one of which is through the culture of the Madurese tribe. It is not without reason that the Madurese continue to build a positive image. This is because the negative stereotypes aimed at the Madurese tribe have been developing for a long time. An illustration of Madura's image can also be seen through the work of satra in the form of the Babad Songennep manuscript. This study aims to describe the positive and negative images depicted by the characters in the Babad Sonenggep script. The theoretical study in this study uses anthropological theory and literary anthropology to see the Madurese image depicted in literary works. The approach in this study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type.
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