• Gusti Nyoman Ayu Sukerti
  • Ni Nyoman Yuliantini
  • Kadek Yogi Susana
Keywords: Outcome-Based Education, Blended Learning, ESP


This research aims to develop OBE-based English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teaching materials with blended learning methods for English courses taking studies in computer science, especially Informatics Management to obtain adequate English skills in competition in the IT Industry. OBE is an approach that emphasizes the sustainability of the learning process in an innovative, interactive, and effective manner. OBE influences the entire educational process from the curriculum design; formulation of objectives and learning outcomes; education strategy; learning method design; assessment procedure; and educational environment. OBE incudes not only a talent-training model but also the theoretical basis of curriculum design. This research employed stages of FOUR-D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) model developed by Thiagarajan et al. (1974), with exclusion of the Disseminate phase. The findings in this study provide a comprehensive description of the course design, teaching materials and assessment methods. This study also verifies the effectiveness of course design samples from student feedback, teacher’s reflection, and expert evaluation which confirm that OBE-based ESP teaching can be carried out and enable students to gain experience and competencies needed to carry out roles consistent with their area of expertise in the workplace.


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