I'DAD AL-KITAB AL-TA'LIMI LI TARQIYAH MAHARAH AL-QIRA'AH AL-QUR'ANIYAH LI AL-MUBTADI'IN إعداد الكتاب التعليمي لترقية مهارة القراءة القرآنية للمبتدئين

  • Himatul Istiqomah
Keywords: Himmati, Philosophical Basis, Sociological Basis, and Psychological Basis.


Some textbooks to read the Qur'an for beginners are already published in Indonesia. Even so, it is not impossible to create a new book that is similar but with some modifications to the content and presentation. Through the qualitative approach and library analysis, this research aims to describe the basis and purpose of the preparation of a textbook for reading al-Qur'an skills for beginners. This belongs to library research with the main data source is the book “Himmati.†The results of this research show that the preparation of "Himmati" involves three bases for curriculum development, namely philosophical, sociological, and psychological. The philosophical basis talks about love between humans, Prophet Muhammad Saw, and Allah Swt, also about remembering of Allah. The sociological basis talks about a religious habit and an Islamic culture named reading the Qur’an. The psychological basis talks about levels of learning access and building the student’s spirit.


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