Currently, online and independent learning could harm students' understanding about the shape of an object due to students’ misconceptions. This statement happens because the cognitive level possessed by each student is different. Educators who are pioneers of the main facilitators of learning in the classroom tend to take resources without considering the results of students' understanding. In sculpture and carving art material, the teacher must download 2D images from the internet, add text, and not touch objects that can provide direct tutorials. This statement is undoubtedly a problem in learning because it is related to misconceptions. In connection with these emergency problems, a module that can display 3D augmented reality objects with audio-visuals is urgently needed to avoid learning misconceptions. This virtual module can be used with independent learning methods or group discussion forums. The teacher will be a facilitator for each basic competence. The module will direct students to follow a structured and interactive learning flow. This development research uses the ADDIE Model method because the instruments and objectives are aligned with the problems on which this product is developed. This development research aims to realize learning media to avoid misconceptions and sculpt/carve following structured and directed learning stages and create expert-validated learning media, evidenced by the validation of media experts 89% and material expert validation 93%.
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