• Chalimah, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika, Tri Wiratno, and Susi Darihastining
Keywords: focus, affect, strengthen, weaken, ideology


This critical discourse research explores how lexis can strengthen, sharpen, or soften the meaning. Furthermore, this research also focuses on showing the ideology through language evaluation or appraisal as a part of systemic functional linguistics. The main findings perform the domain and componential analysis of the lexis used, whether sharpening or softening meaning. There are 55 data of focus in news text against Israel in comment adjunct, mood adjunct, comparative, superlative, prepositional phrase, modality and reflexive. In the same form 69 data found focusing on the favour of Israel. The novelty is in the construction of building ideology by sharpening or softening meaning as the alignment strategy.


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