Wong Ireng dance is a distinctive dance art that originates in Gumuk, Selorejo Village, Malang Regency. All dancers are male members of the community. The dance has existed for 60 years since the Dutch colonial era. The Wong Ireng dance tells the resistance against the Dutch colonialists, as seen from the performed dance moves, namely imitation of war dances by bringing dance properties such as spears. The dance is called Wong Ireng Dance because all the dancers cover their bodies with black dye all over their bodies. This dance occupies a vital role in the life of the Gumuk village community. This study aims to describe the function of the Wong Ireng dance for the Gumuk village community. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach using interviews, observation, and documentation. To check the data validity, the authors used source triangulation and technical triangulation, involving group leaders, village officials, and documents collected in the research location and previous studies' results. The results showed that: 1) Wong Ireng Dance has a specific form of presentation; and 2) Wong Ireng dance has a function that is inherent in the life of its people, mainly related to initiation rituals. The function becomes a supporting factor of the existence of Wong Ireng Dance today and the preservation of its authenticity.
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