• Gusti Nyoman Ayu Sukerti
  • I Putu Yoga Laksana
  • Luh Nyoman Chandra Handayani
Keywords: speaking competence, English for Specific Purposes, Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Flipgrid


The implementation of Flipgrid platform offers chances for students to focus on practicing speaking skills online so that students gain an in-depth communicative experience. Through Flipgrid, students provide responses in the form of short videos to the topics posted by teachers. Flipgrid offers students the opportunity to exchange interaction via online and build a series of intensive discussion. The topic was structured in a chain, dynamic, and progressive step so students can see the process in stages. The task chain was visualized through flow diagrams called driving maps of outcomes to express the correspondence between communication and cognitive skills required by students. The driving map of outcomes is the basic principle of outcome-based education (OBE), an educational and learning system framework focusing on the outcomes of a learning process. This study was conducted to determine students' perceptions on the implementation of Flipgrid with IT topics designed based on task chain and driving map of outcomes.  Qualitative data were obtained from an online questionnaire in the form of google form consisting of likely scale-type questions (1-5) given to undergraduate ESP course students majoring in informatics management. The questionnaire consisted of statements arranged to gather students’ perception on Flipgrid usability, the use of Flipgrid to give responses and have discussion and the application of speaking job sheet. The results show that students didn’t have any technical obstacles in using Flipgrid and they also acknowledged that Flipgrid helped them to express their opinion better as they could prepare for the presentation systematically. Furthermore, students gave positive feedback about the integration of the Flipgrid platform with structured and results-focused topics because it provided a comprehensive and immersive learning experience. The process of implementing Flipgrid and job sheets has a positive influence so that it can be recommended as a strategic choice in the process of teaching English in vocational education, especially in the context of teaching speaking competence.


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