• Kiki Firginia Talia
Keywords: assessment, online English learning, Covid-19 pandemic


This paper discusses the assessment system of English online learning for undergraduate students majoring in Islamic early childhood education (PIAUD) Iai Al-Qolam Malang and what problems the lecturer faces in carrying out the assessments. The data source of this research is one of the English lecturers who was interviewed through Zoom Meeting. The results showed that the implementation of online English assessments due to the covid-19 pandemic was not optimal due to limited learning using WhatsApp and Google Classroom, and the assessment was only seen from the student test results. Several problems in the implementation of online assessments were also experienced by the lecturer, including students' low enthusiasm in completing tests, some students did not understand how to submit assignments in Google classroom so that assignments were not submitted, and the lecturer could not supervise students doing exercises and assignments that led to student work results less trustworthy.


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