The current dynamics of the role of English at national and international levels need to be taken into substantial consideration in enhancing the pre-service English teachers' critical thinking skills. Some research has been conducted about the critical thinking skill especially in the Indonesian context, but the result still indicated that the critical thinking skills were still not fully empowered by the teacher education programs in Indonesia. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of research related to the strategies for developing the pre-service English teachers' critical thinking in Indonesia. So, in this present study, the writer will adapt a new learning model called QASEE learning model as a teaching technique that can be used to enhance the pre-service English teachers' critical thinking. This study is classified as an experimental study. There were 72 participants from pre-service English teachers. The participants were divided into two classes, experimental class (QASEE class) and control class. The writer collected the data through pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by using paired sample t-test through SPSS program. The result has shown that the mean score before the treatment was 64.40 and after the treatment was 75.95 which means there were significant differences before and after being taught by using QASEE learning model on the pre-service English teachers' critical thinking skills. Thus, in this research, the writer concluded that the QASEE learning model can be used as one of the alternative teaching techniques to enhance the pre-service English teachers' critical thinking skills
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