• Soraya Grabiella Dinamika
  • Elitaria Bestri A. Siregar
Keywords: Angkola language, fauna, lexicon, metaphor, ecolinguistics


Angkola is one of the existing ethnicities in North Sumatra Province, which has rich natural resources since it is in a highland form and rain falls all year. Therefore, this natural condition has influenced the Angkola language which has a variety of speech that comes from the entities in the surrounding environment, such as its fauna. The use of the fauna lexicon by the Angkola community shows the close relationship between the Angkola community and the surrounding nature. The fauna lexicon is expressed in the utterance of metaphor. This research aims to find out the relationship form of the Angkola language and its fauna, in terms of its metaphor. The dialogic method designed by Bang & Door (1993) is used to analyze that respective relationship. It is descriptive qualitative research. The data collection technique consists of interviews and observation. The results appear as the fauna lexicon is used in the advice-giving in Angkola language with distinguished meaning and purpose.


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